Product Sourcing

Product Sourcing is actually an integrated solution which should be executed by professional and detail-oriented persons who are ideally familiar with local related markets and should be considered completed until the involved goods has been inspected and shipped. Meanwhile, the cooperation of foreign buyers in delivering us sufficient information about interested products in the process of sourcing plays an important part in our sourcing work, which will help us locate and source products from genuine wholesale suppliers. Therefore, a foreign buyer is required to firstly send us such information as logo, quantity, specification, size, color and even pictures of products, before we get down to the sourcing work.

1. Inquiry: You send us all necessary details of the products to purchase by E-mail, including material, logo, quantity, specification, size, model and color, your delivery address covering city, state/province, country, zip code, etc.

2. Judge: We will judge whether or not your interested products could be sourced based on your provided information.

3. Evaluation & Feedback: After basic evaluation and preliminary actual sourcing work, we will give you feedback about the real situations about the products.

4. Confirm and Pricing: If the products are available, we will prepare the pricing for you after our sourcing, or if the products could Not be searched out or sourced in China, we will expressly decline your sourcing requests in a timely way.

In most cases, we will try to directly source products from the existing goods of suppliers for a small quantity that meets the MOQ requirement of the suppliers. An appropriate number of samples/swatches are always suggested by us to firstly send to any foreign buyer for quality evaluation and confirmation before we are instructed to make the purchase of goods.

And for a large quantity of goods that need for mass production, under the circumstance of no existing goods is available, we will try to negotiate with capable suppliers for the best prices on the premise that products are quality-guaranteed.

Shipping company